Where is the love?Why we must wait 'till someone come and open our eyes and minds about that the world isn't the same as we thought???
Why there are murders?Why everywhere you can see there's blood and tears?Why we can't stop that?Why somebody don't do something about that? Why everybody cross the street when they've been homeless or people who ask them for money?Why these people don't give them this money???Why??Why they don't see that these poor poeple needs money more than them?
Well,I don't understand that?Do you undestand it ???If you do,please tell me!!
I've got one more qustion...Why some people discrminate others?Fat,thin,tall,small,black or white we are all people!!!Don't you understand???
Where is the love?Tell me?
Why people killing?Why children hurt and we hear them when they crying?Why we can't trust each other? Why,why,why?
Where is the love?Where is the love??Where is the love???