Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm not the one who turn the page
I'm not the one who look 'round
I'm not the one who crash the word
I'm not the one who can't stop singigng,right now
I'm not the one who you can passed by

I'm not the one who you can listen

I'm not the one who can tell you who you are

I'm just the girl on the other side of the beach
I'm just the girl who you can called friend

I'm just the girl who could fall for you,if you want

I'm just the girl who can scream

I'm just the girl who can change her direction

I'm just the girl who can walk away this time
I'm just the girl who can choose to stay

Sum 41-I'm not the one

Monday, September 15, 2008

Отново на линия :D

Опааа...изтъркулиха се и тези три месеца от живота ми...Почти незабележимо...Все още не мога да осъзная,че от утре тръгваме (отново) на училище.Няма да има спане до късно,излежаване и всичките тези приятни неща,които правят ваканциите неустоимо приятни и най-вече желани.
Ммм,от една страна се радвам,че тръгваме на училище,но от друга...това е най-лошото нещо,което можеше да ни се случи :D

Ех,обичам да съм сред хора на моята възраст,по цял ден да се шегуваме и смеем...Нооо,като стане въпрос за писане на домашни,учене на уроци,бягане по физ.възп. Бляяякссссс...
Ххахаха...Мисля,че не само аз мисля така,но....какво да се прави?
Хах...днес беше един много хубав ден...15 Септември....Хах,ако съм се вярвала,че ще ми хареса толкова много отново да се вляза през входната врата на училището.Е,поне вече не съм "заек"..Миналата година падна голяма бомбардировка,но тази година не съм от потърпевшите (devil) :D Забавно беше да съм "заек",но и като не заек,си ми харесва :D
Хах...Та това беше един нов ден,който малко или много си имаше своето очарование...

Честит Първи Учебен Ден,на всички от мен (:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Begining

He was so harizmatic that I didn't realize that I was watcing him.But ,of course, he soon understood.He looked at me with his gental eyes.In that time I realize was watching me,too.I was shocked.Did he really was watching at me?
I still don't know the answer.I know only that,that I'll never forget these stong,gental eyes.And now I know,that in that moment,when he's watching at me,that I newer and stronger than before.

I just want to express my thankful....because in that moment I became other person.
In the same time I'm afraid,because I didn't want this change before.Hah...Funny....
At least he could tell me somethind...But he didn't do it!He just disapear... But I won't be sad....I just....want to be free....Again...Just...Me...Again...
And know..I know that before I said these words buuut....Hahhaha...I'm repating myself....
Funny,isn't it?

Jay Sean - Eyes On You

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No answers...again...

Hey,you?Yes,I am talking to you!Who are you?What are you doing with me?With my mind?With my feelings?What do you want from me?What do you want at all?
Why you're so clever?So handsome?And,damn it, why you've got great humour?Why every time that I see your face I'm smiling?Why you're with me now?
Why?Why?Why you're so close anf in the same time so far away from me?Why you drive me crazy?
Questions....Again....But where're the answers???Where?I don't know...Do you know these answers?Or you just don't want to tell me?Why?Why you drive me crazy???

Brithney Spears-You Drive Me Crazy

Monday, September 8, 2008

8 Simple Rules

8 Simple Rules - about me and my life.

Somebofy told me that every person must have 8 simple rules about his life.Well,I belived him,and I still believe in this words because...I just want to :D:D:D

There're my 8 rules.

~1.I must smile every morning
~2.I gotta wash my teeth :D:D This is an important rule!!!
~3.I gotta listen my mom ....Really?Yeeees...

~4.I should gotta go to school,but who knows? :P

~5.I must do my homework...Sucks buuuut.....Life :P:D

~6.I gotta be a good friend

~7.I must like my life....whatever its like :/

~8.I gotta be just Me and nothing else

Well,the rules aren't such an interesting post,buuuut....Thise're my rules...What are yours???

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stupid curiosity

"Let it rain" you said to me.Now is raining and I don't want to stop.I'm here...outside in the rain ....listening one song over and over again.

I woner....if I was another girl,would you hurt me in such nasty way?If I was a "Barby" girl,would you go away? If I was not me,would you love me?
Questions...Nothing else...Just stupid questions....But I want to know the answers...Just stupid curiosity...Do you know the meaning of this word?No,you don't.Do you know how bad you hurt me?No,you don't know.Do you know that you drive me crazy,right now?No,you don't know that,too.

Do you know the answers of this damn questions?Do you read this now or just passed over the paragraphs?Do you think about me now?Do you imagine my pain?Do you feel my blank despair?Do you hear my voice whispering your name?Do you feel blame?Do you remember your steps when you gone away?Do you sleep at night?Do you see my face whatever you are?Do you see my eyes?Mu lips?My hear?

Now...Do you hear the rain?Do you know that is raining outside?Do you feel my blame?Do you know that one day rain will come by your way and I won't be there?
Make the pain go away....Would you do that for me?

Nana-Let it rain

Friday, September 5, 2008

I won't cry

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
Just wanna be a girl who may be in love
I didn't want to give you my heart,my soul,my mind on purpose
But you didn't know it and you broke my heart

Now you're leaving and I'm shouting after you
And I'm hoping that you'd heard... even a word
But you aren't stop and even you turn back
Just walkind...Leaving...Forgetting...Understanding

But you're yourself even now,and you won't see me cry
When you walked out of my life,I feel like a fool in this world
A girl with broken heart...But I won't cry
But you won't see me cry...Goodbye...And wanna say that I won't cry....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So alive,like bird in the sky

All I wanna feel is that I wanna be alive.
Like a bird in the sky-to the rest of my life.
So alive that I can fly,so alive that tonight all you could see a bird in the sky.
And even my wings had been boken so far,I would fly.

Just a bird...There in the sky..Listening a song of my life.
Can't you see this bird,right now?
Look,there...I am...Can't you see... Tonight and the rest of my life...
I would be a bird in the sky.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Don't ask why

Losing my way again
Just wanna you to come
If you doesn't understand
let me show what I pretend

Losing my way again
And I'm afraid
'Cause you're the bad boy
Which doesn't like everything that I am.

Losing my way again
But don't ask why
I'm just a girl with broken heart
And you can see that,right???

Monday, September 1, 2008

Постоянно изричани думи,но без смисъл

Сбогом...Довиждане....До другият път...Все думи,които не искам да чувам от хора,които обичам,защото осъзнавам,че някой ден ще ги изгубя.Нека ги разгледам всяка по отделну,о'кей?

"Сбогом"...Най омразната ми дума в целият ми речник,а повярвайте той въобще не е малък.Тази ужасяваща за мен дума,е всичко което не искам да чувам.Всичко което мразя,всичко което не трябва да се произнася пред мен.Винаги някой щом ти каже "Сбогом",значи няма да го видиш повече,а аз не искам да не виждам някого.Вярно,понякога се нуждая от глъдка въздух от някои личности,които по принцип обожавам,но никога не искам да чувам,чета или нещо друго,тази дума от тях.

"Довиждане"...Дума, с която свързвам най-лошите спомени,кошмари,ужаси от детството си.Всичко събрано в тази ужасяваща дума.Всичко и в същото време нищо.Какво може да означава една нищо и никаква дума???Едно нищо.И все пак за мен е всичко,което не искам да си спомням.Всичко,което не трябва да си спомням,дори и след милион години.

"До другия път"...Кхъъъъм...Думи,които всяка вечер използваме в прословутия "Скайп",думи които изричаме (пишем) без да се замислим.Просто трябва да кажете нещо,нали?Трябва да се сбогувате с останалите по някакъв начин?Еее,да,искрено да си го кажа,понякога не се замислям,а направо си го казвам,без да го мисля.Защото в действителност,ние не знаем дали за нас ще има "друг път"...Не знаем дали за някого ще има "друг път".Незнаем почти нищо.

Замислям се.И какво откривам.Че от днес никога няма да искам да изрека някоя от тези думи,да но днес вече го казах.Сбогувах се с една от най-добрите си приятелки,която замина за Испания.И какво,казах й -"Сбогом","Довиждане","До другия път"-без дори да се замислям,какво значение имат тези думи.Просто думи,които се използват в такива случаи нали?Е,да,но не...Това са най-омразните ми думи...Не искам да ги повтарям отново.Не искам да се сбогувам с никого,макар че знам,че все някога ще трябва.Не искам!Не искам!Не искам, пък!!