Well,let start with that today i'm in a good mood...can you imagine that? :D And when i say that i'm in a good mood,you gotta believe me,right?
So,today was really strange day but i like it because of that,you know sometimes everyone needs variety...And now i forgot what i wanted to say funny, isn't it? :d
Last night one of my friends send me /by skype/ some videos ... yeah..Big Bang... and when i started watching them i...just romped about for a while :D:D:D
And i began reading 'Vampire Academy 3-Shadow kiss'..you can't imagine how interesting and dizzy this book can be :D yeah...and El,if you read this you'd agree with me,yeah i know (sun)
Lets sssssay that Dimitri and Rose are so cute,but Lisa and Chrisrian're so sweet...oooh,i love all of the characters :D:D And of course Adrian :D:D He's so freakish, stunning, thoughtless, inconsiderate but maybe that's because he's so perfect,don't know...just love him :D:D
Tomorrow i got day off and i'm so happy about that! :D
Yeah...it'll be great...i'll relax all of the day :D
All in all i'll read the rest of the VA and i'll listen Big Bang,what more i can want? :D:D
Well...there's some other things that i can say that i want but it'll be selfish :D:D so i won't tell you :P yeah,i'm bad :D:D or i'm not? lets say i'm in the middle,all right?
Smile for me,please :P
I gotta go
Love ya
I gotta go
Love ya

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