what time is it?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Big Bang - Top of the world
*Top of the World*
Don't tell me bad
No matter whose words it is, it will attract and open the eyes of drama
It will clear up like dejavu
You are the real and ideal super lady
Until the morning
Please tell me the password
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW i don't need anything
The moment i hold you i have no regrets
I wanna know about you
I can't stop my urges moonlight
Show You can be my Queen tonight
It's amazing love
It's flexibly so...
Open the door to tomorrow and come
Like a puzzle you're the last piece
Oh baby, let me take U there
Secret holic
Until the moning
The one i can see through is gonna stop
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW you've awoken a miracle
I miss you "TOP OF THE WORLD "
I can't come to my senses with your sweet kiss and i embraced everything
(Walking on the top of world)
I wanna know about you
I can't stop my urges moonlight
Show You can be my Queen tonight
Until the morning
Let me know your password
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW i don't need anything
I miss you "TOP OF THE WORLD "
The moment i hold you i have no regrets

Don't tell me bad
No matter whose words it is, it will attract and open the eyes of drama
It will clear up like dejavu
You are the real and ideal super lady
Until the morning
Please tell me the password
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW i don't need anything
The moment i hold you i have no regrets
I wanna know about you
I can't stop my urges moonlight
Show You can be my Queen tonight
It's amazing love
It's flexibly so...
Open the door to tomorrow and come
Like a puzzle you're the last piece
Oh baby, let me take U there
Secret holic
Until the moning
The one i can see through is gonna stop
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW you've awoken a miracle
I miss you "TOP OF THE WORLD "
I can't come to my senses with your sweet kiss and i embraced everything
(Walking on the top of world)
I wanna know about you
I can't stop my urges moonlight
Show You can be my Queen tonight
Until the morning
Let me know your password
Up to a morning It's get in "HOT"
WOW WOW i don't need anything
I miss you "TOP OF THE WORLD "
The moment i hold you i have no regrets

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Doushite Kimi Wo Suki Ni Natte
No love,no life!
За съжаление, повечето хора мислят така...Аз съм на друго мнение..
Защо трябва да страдаме без причина? Защо трябвада да прекарваме часове и дни в мисли за хора,които не го заслужават? Защо въпреки, че знаем, че за тях ние сме нищо, продължаваме да им мисим доброто? Да мислим за тяхните чувства? Да не бъдат наранени?
Защо въпреки, че всеки път ние сме наранените от цялата ситуация, се хвърляме през глава всеки следващ път? А всеки следващ е още по-болезнен... Докато някой хубав и слънчев ден, не дойде най-болезнената болка...след това вече.. ние се променяме..
След това вече, спираме да мислим за причините, часовете и дните, за доброто на другият, за чувствата му, за това да не бъде наренен!
След този път...вече няма следващ!
Вече няма болка,страдание,униние,самосъжаление,гняв,ярост,тъга,безполезност...
Вече няма нищо от онова,което е имало преди..
А от нас какво остава след това?
Остава бледо копие на човекът,който сме били преди това..Бледо копие, на което вече не му пука за останалите!..Или по-точно..пука му за най-близките приятели,роднини..Но за никой повече ..
Пука му за хората, които винаги са до него, които го обгрижват с любов.. които го заслужават! Които не очакват нищо в замяна! За тези хора трябва да ни е грижа! А не за някой, който днес ти казва "обичам те! ти си всичко за мен!", а след няма и 5 дни си тръгва, като оставя бездънна яма да строи в душата ти.
Не искам отново да има "следващ път" за никого!
Но това е просто един кръговрат..просто няма край.. винаги има "следващ път" ..
Тогава ни остава просто да се надяваме .. да се надяваме този път да не ни боли.. Да не чувстваме нищо...
DBSK - Why did I fall in love with you
JJ: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here
YC: But you ended up choosing a different path
JJ: Why couldn't I reach through to you?
The feelings grow stronger everyday
These overflowing words, even though understood...
YH: ...will never reach you again
JS: Since the first day I met you,
I felt like I already knew you
We melted into each other so naturally
CM: No matter where we went, we were together
You would always be there
We've grown up together
YC: But you ended up choosing a different path
JS: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here
YC: We can no longer go back
YH: This day, which holds a special meaning
Today, you stood there with a happy expression
You looked so beautiful, praying to God
YC: Standing next to someone who's not me
And recieving your blessings
How am I supposed to let go of that?
JJ: So, why did I fall in love with you?
What we did during those days...
YC: I can't return to them any longer
JJ: I've thought it over and over...
YC: (can't return to them any longer)
JJ: I've thought it over and over...
All: Why couldn't I hold on to your hand?
No matter how much time passed by
CM: I thought you'd always be by my side
YH: Just like how it used to be
JS: But, even though you're no longer next to me
I'll pray that you'll be happy for eternity
JJ: No matter how lonely that would make me feel...
JS: (How lonely that would make me feel...)
JJ: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here
YC: But you ended up choosing a different path
JJ: Why couldn't I reach through to you?
The feelings grow stronger everyday
These overflowing words, even though understood...
YH: ...will never reach you again
JS: Since the first day I met you,
I felt like I already knew you
We melted into each other so naturally
CM: No matter where we went, we were together
You would always be there
We've grown up together
YC: But you ended up choosing a different path
JS: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here
YC: We can no longer go back
YH: This day, which holds a special meaning
Today, you stood there with a happy expression
You looked so beautiful, praying to God
YC: Standing next to someone who's not me
And recieving your blessings
How am I supposed to let go of that?
JJ: So, why did I fall in love with you?
What we did during those days...
YC: I can't return to them any longer
JJ: I've thought it over and over...
YC: (can't return to them any longer)
JJ: I've thought it over and over...
All: Why couldn't I hold on to your hand?
No matter how much time passed by
CM: I thought you'd always be by my side
YH: Just like how it used to be
JS: But, even though you're no longer next to me
I'll pray that you'll be happy for eternity
JJ: No matter how lonely that would make me feel...
JS: (How lonely that would make me feel...)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gara Gara Go
Хелоу еверибади..
Днес ми е прекрасен ден,затова реших да го споделя с това клипчеееее
Gara Gara Go!
Don't stop now jump,jump!!!
Днес ми е прекрасен ден,затова реших да го споделя с това клипчеееее
Gara Gara Go!
Don't stop now jump,jump!!!
Соуууу,N'joy :P
Saturday, July 25, 2009
DBSK - Stand By U
DBSK - Stand By U
JJ: Since that day you left without saying goodbye
The sights and smells of this town feel strange
YH: We made promises, I wanted to be everything to you
But they were not kept, they become memories
CM: When you cried alone, if I had flown straight to you
Would you still be beside me?
YC: If I could I’d say it again, I love you
Now the words of how I feel for you cannot touch you
JJ: Wondering where you are, and with who
What makes you laugh, what you are wearing
JS: I am here, still here
I believe that the two of us will meet again
YH: My feelings unchanged
YC: I'm just thinking of you
YH: I remember your back, your tied-up hair
Repeatedly mistaking someone else for you, until they look back
CM: Every time my phone rings, I expect it will be you
I suffer all day
JJ: I lied saying I would forget you, I only really want to remember
JS: Acting like I don't care, I don't need this anymore
I do not feel happy without you
Tears fall, although I try my best they will not stop immediately
YC: Wondering where you are, and with who
What makes you laugh, what you are wearing
JJ: I am here, still here
I believe that the two of us will meet again
YH: So now I'm so alone, calling your name
CM: I do not and can not accept this sadness
But I have no other choice
JJ: I seemed to see you shining here
But that time can never come back
JS: Whatever happens, whatever I lose
I never want to forget loving you
YC: Wondering where you are, and with who
What you dream of, why you smile
JJ: Right here, even now I’m still here
I believe that some day I can meet you
YH: My feelings unchanged
YC: I'm just thinking of you
JS: My feelings unchanged
JJ: I'm just thinking of you
JJ: Since that day you left without saying goodbye
The sights and smells of this town feel strange
YH: We made promises, I wanted to be everything to you
But they were not kept, they become memories
CM: When you cried alone, if I had flown straight to you
Would you still be beside me?
YC: If I could I’d say it again, I love you
Now the words of how I feel for you cannot touch you
JJ: Wondering where you are, and with who
What makes you laugh, what you are wearing
JS: I am here, still here
I believe that the two of us will meet again
YH: My feelings unchanged
YC: I'm just thinking of you
YH: I remember your back, your tied-up hair
Repeatedly mistaking someone else for you, until they look back
CM: Every time my phone rings, I expect it will be you
I suffer all day
JJ: I lied saying I would forget you, I only really want to remember
JS: Acting like I don't care, I don't need this anymore
I do not feel happy without you
Tears fall, although I try my best they will not stop immediately
YC: Wondering where you are, and with who
What makes you laugh, what you are wearing
JJ: I am here, still here
I believe that the two of us will meet again
YH: So now I'm so alone, calling your name
CM: I do not and can not accept this sadness
But I have no other choice
JJ: I seemed to see you shining here
But that time can never come back
JS: Whatever happens, whatever I lose
I never want to forget loving you
YC: Wondering where you are, and with who
What you dream of, why you smile
JJ: Right here, even now I’m still here
I believe that some day I can meet you
YH: My feelings unchanged
YC: I'm just thinking of you
JS: My feelings unchanged
JJ: I'm just thinking of you
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sunset Glow
Big Bang - Sunset Glow
Let’s go
Yezzir (haha)
We’re back again with lee moon sae (*famous singer in the 80’s)
That’s right, fresh collaboration
It’s BIG BANG (yea, yea, whassup)
Dear do you know, i really miss you right now
i wipe off tears with my head down, i call your name
Did you really have to leave me like this
My head hurts when i think about you, (you’re) like really strong alcohol
Would it be just alcohol? you are a sickness. i lie down everyday, how many times has it been?
i will forget for a bit tomorrow then i will think (of you) again day after tomorrow
what can i do, my love is still valid
i believe that you will come back, i wait for you only
i love you, you are the only one in this world
i shout out loud but only that unanswerable sunset is burning bright
If you are feeling sorry (or) afraid of seeing my face
girl don’t worry, if it’s you, i feel strong
Your face that i miss looks like that sunset glow thus i feel sadder
Oh baby baby please don’t forget about all of past times, memories we shared
I will run to you anytime if you call me silently with your eyes closed
Every day, every night i need you
Repeat Chorus
Ta- take it to the bridge)
I won’t be able to see your beautiful visage anymore
But i have no regret, just burn bright so i can just gaze (at you)
ah- ah- ah- ah-
(let’s go, yea yea, sing it together, come on)
The sun rises, the sun sets, i become saddened by the sunset glow
the moon rises, the moon sets, i become dull too, as time passes by
The sun rises, the sun sets, i become saddened by the sunset glow
the moon rises, the moon sets, memories of you become dull too
Repeat Chorus x2
(once agaïn, let’s go, yea yea
know who? BIG BANG)
ah- ah- ah- ah-
Let’s go
Yezzir (haha)
We’re back again with lee moon sae (*famous singer in the 80’s)
That’s right, fresh collaboration
It’s BIG BANG (yea, yea, whassup)
Dear do you know, i really miss you right now
i wipe off tears with my head down, i call your name
Did you really have to leave me like this
My head hurts when i think about you, (you’re) like really strong alcohol
Would it be just alcohol? you are a sickness. i lie down everyday, how many times has it been?
i will forget for a bit tomorrow then i will think (of you) again day after tomorrow
what can i do, my love is still valid
i believe that you will come back, i wait for you only
i love you, you are the only one in this world
i shout out loud but only that unanswerable sunset is burning bright
If you are feeling sorry (or) afraid of seeing my face
girl don’t worry, if it’s you, i feel strong
Your face that i miss looks like that sunset glow thus i feel sadder
Oh baby baby please don’t forget about all of past times, memories we shared
I will run to you anytime if you call me silently with your eyes closed
Every day, every night i need you
Repeat Chorus
Ta- take it to the bridge)
I won’t be able to see your beautiful visage anymore
But i have no regret, just burn bright so i can just gaze (at you)
ah- ah- ah- ah-
(let’s go, yea yea, sing it together, come on)
The sun rises, the sun sets, i become saddened by the sunset glow
the moon rises, the moon sets, i become dull too, as time passes by
The sun rises, the sun sets, i become saddened by the sunset glow
the moon rises, the moon sets, memories of you become dull too
Repeat Chorus x2
(once agaïn, let’s go, yea yea
know who? BIG BANG)
ah- ah- ah- ah-
'What do you want?' sad voice echoed in the room. Room which was so small and empty that you'd never thought that there could live someone. But that was a fact. He was there. Living somehow. Without any kind of hope or fate. He was there with his wistful eyes.
'Go away...I don't want you here' he stood there in his angle hold in his arms.
'But you gotta ... Gosh,why are you like that?I want to help you but you ... everytime you just... put off... everytime you ... just ...' tears blinked away my eyes. He said nothing. Just stared in the notingness.Empty gaze, that's everything that he'd offer ... but that was what he thought. Not me! I knew and still know... that he'd have usefull life if...
'GO!' he shouted at me.
'I won't!
'You will..as everybody...as everytime...as always!'
'No...not this time...I want to stay...for real!' I was standing far from him. But my trembled legs began moving. Then I reached him.
'Please...go...' he said softly.
'Ohhh,I understand...you want to be alone...here .. in this disgusting place. And for what? You want to waste your life...just like her' I knew that there was no need to say such a thing... but...I had to try.
'Do not say this ever again!Do you hear me?Do NOT do that again!!!' his anger was so obvious. And that hurt me truly.I just couldn't stop my tears.
'You're crazy!' my words were nothing,my thoughts,my actions ware nothing for him. My presence was nothing... And that was the worst thing of all in this cruel word. Then why i was still there?Why?
'No,i'm not! I am OKAY! Leave me alone...with my sadness!' he said and look straight into my eyes...Then I turned back and went away as he wanted...
But where i could go? Where...yeah...there where i was happy before...
One week later one bottle was floating into the water. Inside the bottle's a letter. Words were spread but the letter could be made up with no effort.
'Because always when someone repels us we want to keep that person near us...
Nevertheless,that this is impossible.'
'Go away...I don't want you here' he stood there in his angle hold in his arms.
'But you gotta ... Gosh,why are you like that?I want to help you but you ... everytime you just... put off... everytime you ... just ...' tears blinked away my eyes. He said nothing. Just stared in the notingness.Empty gaze, that's everything that he'd offer ... but that was what he thought. Not me! I knew and still know... that he'd have usefull life if...
'GO!' he shouted at me.
'I won't!
'You will..as everybody...as everytime...as always!'
'No...not this time...I want to stay...for real!' I was standing far from him. But my trembled legs began moving. Then I reached him.
'Please...go...' he said softly.
'Ohhh,I understand...you want to be alone...here .. in this disgusting place. And for what? You want to waste your life...just like her' I knew that there was no need to say such a thing... but...I had to try.
'Do not say this ever again!Do you hear me?Do NOT do that again!!!' his anger was so obvious. And that hurt me truly.I just couldn't stop my tears.
'You're crazy!' my words were nothing,my thoughts,my actions ware nothing for him. My presence was nothing... And that was the worst thing of all in this cruel word. Then why i was still there?Why?
'No,i'm not! I am OKAY! Leave me alone...with my sadness!' he said and look straight into my eyes...Then I turned back and went away as he wanted...
But where i could go? Where...yeah...there where i was happy before...
One week later one bottle was floating into the water. Inside the bottle's a letter. Words were spread but the letter could be made up with no effort.
'Because always when someone repels us we want to keep that person near us...
Nevertheless,that this is impossible.'
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ако протегна ръка, ще достигна ли небето?
А достигна ли го, ще мога ли да докосна някоя звезда?
Дали ще мога да я взема в ръка?
Или ще загубя всяква надежда за това?
Ако пък успея, ще ме удостои ли с честта да заблести?
Както когато е в небесата до Кралицата Луна?
Или ще угасне бавно,бавно без да остави и следа?
Ще мога ли да й се полюбувам,както само аз си мога?
Или ще загубя и това?
Ще посмея ли да поискам малко къстче от небесата?
Без да съжалявам за това?
Защото всички знаем,че е невъзможна таз мечта..
Да си до кралицата Луна...
С една малка звезда в ръка ...
А достигна ли го, ще мога ли да докосна някоя звезда?
Дали ще мога да я взема в ръка?
Или ще загубя всяква надежда за това?
Ако пък успея, ще ме удостои ли с честта да заблести?
Както когато е в небесата до Кралицата Луна?
Или ще угасне бавно,бавно без да остави и следа?
Ще мога ли да й се полюбувам,както само аз си мога?
Или ще загубя и това?
Ще посмея ли да поискам малко къстче от небесата?
Без да съжалявам за това?
Защото всички знаем,че е невъзможна таз мечта..
Да си до кралицата Луна...
С една малка звезда в ръка ...
Monday, July 20, 2009
DBSK - Bolero
DBSK - Bolero
Waving like luminous sails, dancing on stage your dream
Floating like no one's around, light of the moon surrounds
slowly now, slowly now, wounded heart fades away
close your eyes, close your eyes, don't be scared now to fly
Take some time soon you'll see you have nothing to prove
listen to your own heart and not what they would say
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find place that could even heal your sadness
Don't be afraid coz' i will guide you forever
Dream high like there's no tomorrow
Dream high like life's never ending,
there's no limit, don't be scared
(I'll never leave your side)
Even if no one believes you never loose hope
and remember all that matter is you're "YOU"
(Nothing to prove no more)
*You fly freely bcoz' of you
No one knows what you're looking for
Nobody knows where to search for answer
Nobody knows but yourself...
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find place that could even heal your sadness
Don't be afraid coz' i will guide you forever
Let you dance away
Don't you know yeah
I'll stand by your side
yeah... Ah~
Fly away, Fly away, Fly away, Fly to the top
Fly forever
Yeah, yeah, yeah~
My heart is your home
(I will stand by you, no one else but you)
You are in my Soul
(I'll keep on watching and i will never let go
All I wanna do
(is to keep you safe, I won't leave so don't)
Be afraid to FLY! ah! oohoh
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find the place that could even heal your sadness
You're not alone so fly high until the end, yes
Don't be afraid coz' i'll be with you forever ^_^
Waving like luminous sails, dancing on stage your dream
Floating like no one's around, light of the moon surrounds
slowly now, slowly now, wounded heart fades away
close your eyes, close your eyes, don't be scared now to fly
Take some time soon you'll see you have nothing to prove
listen to your own heart and not what they would say
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find place that could even heal your sadness
Don't be afraid coz' i will guide you forever
Dream high like there's no tomorrow
Dream high like life's never ending,
there's no limit, don't be scared
(I'll never leave your side)
Even if no one believes you never loose hope
and remember all that matter is you're "YOU"
(Nothing to prove no more)
*You fly freely bcoz' of you
No one knows what you're looking for
Nobody knows where to search for answer
Nobody knows but yourself...
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find place that could even heal your sadness
Don't be afraid coz' i will guide you forever
Let you dance away
Don't you know yeah
I'll stand by your side
yeah... Ah~
Fly away, Fly away, Fly away, Fly to the top
Fly forever
Yeah, yeah, yeah~
My heart is your home
(I will stand by you, no one else but you)
You are in my Soul
(I'll keep on watching and i will never let go
All I wanna do
(is to keep you safe, I won't leave so don't)
Be afraid to FLY! ah! oohoh
Keep the rhythm never let your fear to stop you
Keep dancing to the melody of bolero
Fly high to find the place that could even heal your sadness
You're not alone so fly high until the end, yes
Don't be afraid coz' i'll be with you forever ^_^
Never Ending Story
G Dragon and Tae Yang
Ji and Bae
Ji and Bae

GDYB never ending story!

So lets start with that, that i'm not a pervert or such a thing buuut ...Honestly,tell me when you see this pictures don't you feel kind of diffrent? xD

They're so cute together (sun)
And take a look here :D
I'm sure you'll like it
Love Tae Yang's face here ^^
He's so 'I'm the maaan'
Don't you think?

And hereeeeeeeeeeee
Oooo,maan...they aaree ssso cute!

I'm sure you'll like it
Love Tae Yang's face here ^^
He's so 'I'm the maaan'
Don't you think?
And hereeeeeeeeeeee
Oooo,maan...they aaree ssso cute!

And here i don't have words
Yeah..they're so sweet for real
There's no way you can't love them
They're jusst...perfect xD
Ooh,i talk as a maniac,right?
I don't care xD

Hehe,Jiii,he's so sweet here
Just this face xD
hehehe,i've watched this show over 20 times and every time i just can't stop myself at laughing
I just can't stop
It's such a fun
Yeahh,and they really look like they have done it some more times before actually start the game :D
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Една усмивка от теб
Е истинско слънце за мен
Приятелко, най-добра,
Не искам да проронваш и сълза
Една прегръдка за теб
Е нещо малко от мен
Малко, но от сърце
За малкото дете
Една мила дума от теб
Е всичко за мен
Изгрева и залеза ще ти подаря
Само не потъвай в тъга
Е истинско слънце за мен
Приятелко, най-добра,
Не искам да проронваш и сълза
Една прегръдка за теб
Е нещо малко от мен
Малко, но от сърце
За малкото дете
Една мила дума от теб
Е всичко за мен
Изгрева и залеза ще ти подаря
Само не потъвай в тъга
Много добре знам, че не ме бива в римуването xD
Просто се надявам да ти хареса,Марти
Защото колкото и време да мине,дори да не сме винаги заедно,24/7,ние винаги ще сме си близки и нямам намерение да те гледам как скърбиш...
Просто искам да знаеш,че винаги ще има Слънце!
Винаги ще грее!
Както винаги ще има изгрев...
Но има ли изгрев,ще трябва да има и залез
А знаеш ли какво има тъкмо преди да изгрее Слънцето?
Точно преди да залезе?
Има здрач!
Но този здрач,продължава само няколко секунди,минути...
Той излбеднява,докато не се превърне в чиста светлина или тъма...
Не искам за теб да има тъма!
Ти заслужаваш само слънчевата светлина :P
Затова,нека по-бързо този твой Здрач да избледнее,за да се порадаме отново на Слънцето с по един сладолед Раффи, в едната ръка, и цифровия апарат в другата...за да можем отново да се смеем,без да се замисляме...
Кхм,за да намерим мечето на JaeJoong по-скоро xD /не се стърпях да не го напиша :D:D/
Обичам те!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Започвам поста, с ясната мисъл че няма да напиша нищо свястно. Въобще нямам муза за писане на нищо... дори пост за споделяне нямам желание да пиша, но също така осъзнавам и факта че доста явно си заебавам блога, което извъобще не ми се иска...
Ам,ако кажа просто "нямам муза" дали би било достатъчно опрадвание,за да затворя блога? В смисъл.. и без това не ми се пише... или просто нямам за какво да пиша...
Хех,смешна ми е мисълта, че когато бях ядосана и тъжна винаги можех да напиша пост,без значение дали за споделяне иили... римуване ... просто сядах и пишех... а сега... от няколко дни... отварям страницата към блога си и в продължение на най-малко 30 мин. стоя и се чудя какво да напиша, при положение че наистина ми се пише..
Просто незнам какво става...
Като че ли пак трябва да се намери някой, който да "изтръгне" спокойствието на душата ми?
Хехех...тази мисъл си е чиста проба викане на лошия късмет...
Както се казва...
Хехех,май пак ми се иска да си стана старото Дрънкало... Да мога да приказвам с часове за глупости, без дори да си следя мисълта...
Но както и да е, не ми се мисли... защото замисля ли се... всичко опира да една случка.. до една грешка,която просто ми отне "жевеца" в мен...
Колкото и да се правя на весела,щастлива,жива...просто това е моментно състояние, което явно е за пред другите... А в действителност, като остана сама ... се чувствам... друга...
Като се върна назад във времето...назад към миналото лято.... назад към старите си проблеми, осъзнавам колко съм пораснала..
Осъзнавам, че наистина, колкото и да не ми се иска, съм се променила...
Наистина постигнах онова, което желаех ... Да Бъда Нова АЗ!
Но честно да си кажа, тази нова Аз, въобще не е онова, което си мислех, че ще бъда...
Да, в общи линии се препокрива представата ми за по-силната Тита, за по-отговорната /Марч, знам какво ще кажеш, но наистина съм отговорна... стига да не става въпрос за спазване на часове,ю ноу...но все пак си ме обичаш, знам :*/ , за по-студената и отдалечана личност, която не могат да я достигнат с прости обяснения, която не се задоволява с малко.
И като се замисля, за какво ми е да бъда такава?
Но за добро или зло, вече настъпи промяната...настъпи и не мисля,че е обратима..
Започвам поста, с ясната мисъл че няма да напиша нищо свястно. Въобще нямам муза за писане на нищо... дори пост за споделяне нямам желание да пиша, но също така осъзнавам и факта че доста явно си заебавам блога, което извъобще не ми се иска...
Ам,ако кажа просто "нямам муза" дали би било достатъчно опрадвание,за да затворя блога? В смисъл.. и без това не ми се пише... или просто нямам за какво да пиша...
Хех,смешна ми е мисълта, че когато бях ядосана и тъжна винаги можех да напиша пост,без значение дали за споделяне иили... римуване ... просто сядах и пишех... а сега... от няколко дни... отварям страницата към блога си и в продължение на най-малко 30 мин. стоя и се чудя какво да напиша, при положение че наистина ми се пише..
Просто незнам какво става...
Като че ли пак трябва да се намери някой, който да "изтръгне" спокойствието на душата ми?
Хехех...тази мисъл си е чиста проба викане на лошия късмет...
Както се казва...
"Не дърпай Дявола за опашката"
Дам...определено ми трябва нещо, което да ми раздвижи кръвта :D Само дето после в даден момент пак ще се стигне,евентуално, до същия този момент...в който се чувваш пуст...безлуден...обездушен...самотен...не,самотен не мога да кажа...просто в момента ме избива на...самосъжаление...Хехех,май пак ми се иска да си стана старото Дрънкало... Да мога да приказвам с часове за глупости, без дори да си следя мисълта...
Но както и да е, не ми се мисли... защото замисля ли се... всичко опира да една случка.. до една грешка,която просто ми отне "жевеца" в мен...
Колкото и да се правя на весела,щастлива,жива...просто това е моментно състояние, което явно е за пред другите... А в действителност, като остана сама ... се чувствам... друга...
Като се върна назад във времето...назад към миналото лято.... назад към старите си проблеми, осъзнавам колко съм пораснала..
Осъзнавам, че наистина, колкото и да не ми се иска, съм се променила...
Наистина постигнах онова, което желаех ... Да Бъда Нова АЗ!
Но честно да си кажа, тази нова Аз, въобще не е онова, което си мислех, че ще бъда...
Да, в общи линии се препокрива представата ми за по-силната Тита, за по-отговорната /Марч, знам какво ще кажеш, но наистина съм отговорна... стига да не става въпрос за спазване на часове,ю ноу...но все пак си ме обичаш, знам :*/ , за по-студената и отдалечана личност, която не могат да я достигнат с прости обяснения, която не се задоволява с малко.
И като се замисля, за какво ми е да бъда такава?
За да мога да отблъсквам най-близките си ли?
За да мога да държа опасностите настрани?
За да мога да държа себе си на разтояние от болката?
За да мога да се държа като възрастен?
За да мога да бъда, нещо което не съм?
За да мога да бъда...студена?
Това чисто и просто не ми е в природата и всеки който ме познава малко повече го знае...За да мога да държа опасностите настрани?
За да мога да държа себе си на разтояние от болката?
За да мога да се държа като възрастен?
За да мога да бъда, нещо което не съм?
За да мога да бъда...студена?
Но за добро или зло, вече настъпи промяната...настъпи и не мисля,че е обратима..
DBSK- Wrong Number
" You've got the wrong number
I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number
So don't call me no more "
I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number
So don't call me no more "
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