Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jejung & Yuchun - Melody and Harmony Lyrics

Jejung & Yuchun - Melody and Harmony

Right now, somewhere, someone
is in pain, all alone
Passing through a sleepless night
Until the light shines on your heart
Let’s nestle close together, so that we could sleep
Like a melody and harmony in love

For someone’s sake
we are here
Although we can only achieve small things
Even just for 1 second
We still want to stop all the tears in this world
And turn them all into smiles

Keep loving, and keep walking,
We’ve been believing that we will be able to convey these overflowing feelings
Even before we were born, we knew that we would meet
And that we would be searching for our dreams together


The moment when we are able to compose the sparkling sound
We will be able to forget all the sorrow
Melody and harmony
You are always by our side
Giving us courage and hope

Thanks to you
Thank you forever
These glittering feelings are your gifts to me
You’ve taught me how to support each other, to watch over each other
And that I’m not lonely

The love that was piled up
is riding on the melody
I want to convey it to you
Forever and ever

My music is my life
For you, for you, smile
Because our hearts will link together
My life is wonderful
Forever, forever

Starting from here

Keep loving, and keep walking
We have been believing that we will be able to
convey these overflowing feelings

Thanks to you
Thank you forever
These glittering feelings are your gifts to me

The love that was piled up
is riding on the melody
I want to convey it to you
Forever and ever


Right now, somewhere, someone is in pain, all alone
Passing through a sleepless night
Until the light shines on your heart
Let’s nestle close together, so that we could sleep
Like a melody and harmony in love

Friday, September 18, 2009

GD &GaHo

The sweetest coupleee 4ever!

GD and GaHo!

Only GaHo now :P

And again our sweeties ...

Frankie J - Don't wanna try

"Don't Wanna Try"

(oooo)...don't wanna try don't wanna try (try try)
(oooo)..don't wanna try no more
(ooo)..don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try

[Verse 1]
i can't believe u had the nerve to say the things u said
they hurt so bad that they ended our relationship
i can't believe it ..4 years gone down the drain
oh how i wish things would of happened so differently
i try'd to save it so many times but you still couldn't see
u kept insistin' and resistin' that u would not fall again
and now ur tryin' to tell me that ur sorry
and ur tryin' to come back home
ur tellin' me u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor
but baby i

don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more
u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door
don't wanna try don't wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things
that hurt so bad to where we both begin to cry
don't wanna try don't wanna try i 'bout just had enough its been a rough road
baby just let it go
don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more
tell me whats the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love

[Verse 2]
u and i had many conversations on the telephone
talks about one day we having a place of our own
wake up in the morning and have breakfast ready on the table
but all of that just seems so far away from me
had to wake up face reality
it all just seem to good to be true after all you put me through
and now ur tryin' to tell me that ur sorry
and ur tryin' to come back home
u tellin' me that u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor
but baby i

don't wanna try dont wanna try dont wanna try no more
u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door
don't wanna try dont wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things
that hurt so bad to where we both begin to cry
dont wanna try don't wanna try i bout just had enough its been a rough road
baby just let it go
don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more
tell me whats the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love

[..fading into beat]
(don't wanna try don't wanna try)
(don't wanna try no more)
(don't wanna try don't wanna try..oo)

(don't wanna try don't wanna try)
(don't wanna try no more)
(don't wanna try dont wanna try don't wanna try no more ooo)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Baek JiYoung feat. 2pm TaecYeon - My Ear's Candy

Baek JiYoung feat. 2pm TaecYeon - My Ear's Candy

what’s the word you want to hear
tell me
no matter what you say to me
i’ll fly

if you want to hear that sweetest word
then look at me
even if it’s embarrassing, i want that word
you know it too.

i love you ( i love you)
i love you (i love you)
no matter what you want me to say, i’ll give it to you

woh ai ni (woh ai ni)
te quiero (te quiero)
it’s so sweet that it doesn’t feel like words

they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
la la lala lalalala lalala lalala
la la lala lalalala lalala lalala

with your lips that feel like
a strawberry dipped in sweetness
with your lips that feel like
a strawberry dipped in sweetness

tell me, softly tell me, hurry
to my ears
tell me, softly tell me, hurry
to my ears

i love you ( i love you)
i love you (i love you)
no matter what you want me to say, i’ll give it to you

woh ai ni (woh ai ni)
te quiero (te quiero)
it’s so sweet that it doesn’t feel like words

they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
la la lala lalalala lalala lalala
la la lala lalalala lalala lalala

they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice

they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice
they are candy to my ears
it’s as sweet as honey
melt me away softly
with your voice

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JaeBeom we love you!

Hell NO!
I just can't believee that! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
JaeBeom,please come back! Be the leader as you gotta be! Don't give up! We /the fans/ are with you!

Well,that was my personal appeal to Park Jaebeom from one of the best K-pop groups - 2pm! He's left the group and the country ... he's no longer the leader of the group
WE the fans don't want that!
We want him in!
And i hope that the JYP Entertainment won't accept that .. i hope that they're gonna make him come back! Because 2pm won't be the same when he's not in! And they'll never gonna be!
So people,if someone who's fan of this amazing group read this so please sign in the link which i'll post next!

~> <~


C'mon,Jae! Come back! We love you and we support you,no matter what!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Понякога се чувстваме толкова спокойни и уязвими, че мислите ни, без нашето разрешение, сами отлитат към отминали и отдавна "забравени" спомени.
Започваме да мислим за това какво е било и какво не е. Къде сме сбъркали, защо сме взели погрешни и напълно безсмислени решения ... защо сме се опитвали да бъдем някои, които не сме ...

Тези мисли, които внезапно и напълно целенасочено се опитват да ни напомнят колко сме слаби, винаги са с нас. Където и да идем ... с когото и да сме ... както и да се опитваме се заблуждаваме и да ги крием от самите себе си, те са там.. чакащи удобен момент, в който да изникнат на повърхността на съзнанието ни. И в същност, точно това ни прави слаби ... безсилието, с което приемаме този факт.

Сега си стоя в стаята и пиша в тетрадката си за "неизказани мисли" и си мисля за времето от преди точно една година. Напълно ясно си спомням всичко. Цялата радост,веселие, загадъчност, ако щете ... всичко онова, което не те оставя нощем да спиш, потънал в мисли...
Хех, бях си обещала вече да не мисля за това .. бях си обещала да продължа напред... Но мислите просто нахлуха в съзнанието ми, без да ми оставят никакъв избор. Без да мога да го предотвратя.

Сигурно е смешно и глупаво да мисля така, но се чувствам предадена от себе си. Предадена от това, че все още допускам тези прословути мисли да ми въздействат. Но от друга страна, като ги оставя да ми покажат, това което искат ... виждам себе си - щастлива. Хах, от кога не съм била истински щастлива ... да не би това, което чувствам сега да е носталгия? Да,май е това..

Преди време "прочетох някъде", че оставиш ли спомените да те завладеят и почувстваш радост от това, то ти вече си С В О Б О Д Е Н!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my top 10 love quotes

Love: Two minds without a single thought.
Philip Barry

Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Henry Louis Mencken

They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love.
William Shakespeare

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

When some one says they love u it just means they love u for that day the next day they could be running away with your best friend!
Kassy kind

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be.

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

I self destruct every relationship so that i don't get hurt... but in truth i just hurt myself worse in the long run..

Don't forget to love yourself !
Soren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

dbsk - taxi lyrics

DBSK - Taxi

Everytime you loosen our entwined hands,
I tried to hold onto the warmth,
Everytime I think I’ll be able to meet you,
My heart dyes with a beautiful shade.
Even the common things turn into memories when we’re together

Even your voice, even those fragile shoulders,
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending

I walk the shimmering streets,
Trying to cover the times we can’t meet,
Your playful smile, after our hands had met for the first time,
Keeps reviving in my memories

I want to embrace you; I want to embrace you tightly,
Yet you are not mine; my broken heart,
I want to embrace you but I cannot,
I want you to the degree that it’s overflowing, that it’s melting,
Without even being able to stop the taxi and make a promise
You wave your hands

Even your voice, even those fragile shoulders,
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending