Sunday, August 30, 2009

Love you Tohoshinki *sun*

Well, i've just watched the Tohoshinki Final Dome Concert and i need a quick restart! Wowwww, really,really love Tohoshinki /DBSK/!!!
The whole show was just amazing!
Not to mention the end! Bolero! WOW WOW WOW!

R E A L L Y L O V E YA GUYS ! ! ! ! ! !

Wow... i'm still not in a condition to think properly xD WOW

Junsu was like "WOW" .. .and his voice... WOW

Changmin .. was so cccuuute!

Yunho was ... wow...s e x y !

Youchun was so,so,so,soooo crazy and sweet!

And Jaejoong... Ooohhh,he wasss really,really amazing,magnificent and supeeerr cute!

Weell, all of them were amazing and crazy and etc xD
I'm really not able to express my impression and thoughts right now ...

Oooh,and when Jaejoong began urging the public to say that they love the members of TVXQ /DBSK/ was a so sweet moment!
And because i wasn't there ... i want to say /write/ it here

I love you Junsu
I love you Youchun
I love you Changmin
I love you Yunho
I love you Jaejoong
Love you all guys!

Khm,i said it xD Now i can go to bed xD
Really enjoy watching the concert *sun*
Night all

Thursday, August 27, 2009


DBSK - Why did i fall in love with you?

Ooh,love is pain
I'm so sick of love songs and their lyrics
"I'm so sorry but i love you"
Ooh,that's a lie
A lie like your's when you told me that you loved me
"I'm so sorry..."
A lie, a lie, a lie
It's so stupid
Love is pain and i know that
It's just the believe in the word "love" nothing more
"Ooh,I love you more,more"
And that's a lie too!
Don't forget that!

Big Bang - Lie!
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't sleep
I can't live
But I can't stop no more!

G Dragon - I can't breathe!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GD - Heartbreaker lyrics

G Dragon - Heartbreaker

A yo! finally! Is this what you've been waiting for?
Brand new G.D!
I'm all by myself but its all good
you're my heartbreaker DJ and YG
Let me take this song here

I don't give in no matter what, the useful things still haven't died
Only you caused a broken body, dead dreams, lost heart
If it's for you, this one body will fly, will rush to where you're at
However you say goodbye and goodbye to me

I said what's the reason you don't want me
Tell me all about your confident (facial) expressions, do it sadly
Even if I say alright or ask for a chance
I don't like the cold look in your eyes when you turn around once

*No no
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
What did I do wrong
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
No way no way

I say I'm leaving, I'm really going
To see if you can live well [without me]

This is tedious, this is not going smoothly
My heart's tragedy no way

I ask the same every day, you say that I've changed
Will you please shut your mouth
You speak while knowing who you're talking to
Now I'm out of control, constantly while being alone
In that spot, that place, it's goodbye and goodbye

I said what's the reason you don't want me
Tell me all about your confident (facial) expressions, do it sadly
Even if I say alright or ask for a chance
I hate the cold smile you have when you turn around once

*No no
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
What did I do wrong
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
No way no way

I say I'm leaving, I'm really going
To see if you can live well [without me]

This is tedious, this is not going smoothly
My heart's tragedy no way

I'll still be there (inside your turned off phone)
I'll still be there (at the mailbox in front of my house)
You..I still...(even if we're "strangers" now)
I will still be there

Let's be together, those words
It's only sweet for a little while
Why do you not care when
Hey! I'm hurting this much

Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
What did I do wrong
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
No way no way

Yo ma heart heart heart breaker breaker
Yo ma heart heart heart breaker breaker
H.e.a.r.t. breaker no way

Monday, August 24, 2009


'Sometimes in life when all hope is gone,
and you feel like you're on your own
true friend comes along
and makes you realize everything's okay'

Честно казано не мога да разбера защо това ми се върти в ума... може би отдавна не съм слушала песента ... За този, който незнае, това е част от lyrics-а на песента Best freind на Richie Stringini /Us5/
Просто не ми се спи и това изречение ми се върти в ума.
Over & over again

'I swear i'm gonna make you happy for the rest of my life'
'and i'm your best friend'

Кхм ... определено песента е една от най-истинските,които някога съм чувала. Не защото много харесвах Us5 преди години or something like that
Просто песента е велика!
И всеки,който я е чувал...със сигурност ще го потвърди..

Ммм,отдавна се чудя...защо не се старая да 'творя' неща за блога си...и все не ме осаняше никаква велика мисъл... Но май стигнах до отговора тази вечер...
Защо вместо да пиша неща,които са сътворени лично от моя мозък,поствам текстове,снимки и информация за хора,които вероятно никога няма да видя? Защо не се съсредоточа върху себе си?

Ето тук идват отговорите...

Защото макар и тези хора да са далечни от мен..те са обект на моя интерес! Те са важни за мен,колкото и останалите хора които познавам... да,те не ме познават,но това важно ли е? АЗ ги познавам! Аз знам неща за тях! На мен това ми е достатъчно... Не мога да се примеря с мисълта,че има хора,които като видят възпаления за някои артисти и си казват "wow,loser''
Нооо не си познал,пич!
Looser-a си ти ;]
И знаеш ли защо? Защото не можеш да разбереш логиката,желанията,мечтите на някого другиго...

Защо не се съсредоточа върху себе си? - беше другият въпрос...
Защото...израстах...умствено...мисля xD Не искам да се смятам,и не смятам че съм се мислела,за център на вселената...
I mean ... Не съм от тези хора,които искат да изливат чувствата си в поетични редове или набързо надраскани рисунки...
Искам да изразявам себе си! По най-добрия начин,който намеря...
Не искам да кажа,че в това да пишеш за чувствата си или да рисуваш намирам нещо лошо... Но всеки е различен...

Хъм...мисля,че най-накрая успях да си отговоря и на себе си .... защо толкова се съсредоточавам върху ... хъм...нека бъда честна... върху корейските групи...
Защото са нещо,което мисля че никога няма да достигна..

В смисъл..ако искам да се влюбя...рано или късно, ще го напрявя!

Ако искам да забравя...правила съм го веднъж...със сигурност ще мога да го повторя и потретя...

Ако искам да нараня...няма нищо по-лесто от това!

Ако искам да се защитя..ще намеря начин...

Нооо...ако трябва да съм отновоо честна...Никога няма да достигна Big Bang, DBSK или Fahrenheit...

Уоу..но пък по тази логика...излиза,че съм едно неуверено в желанията си същество,което малко по малко започва да се съмосъжалява,осъзнавайки истината xD

Мразя да бъда винаги правa xD

И все пак това не пречи да си мечта,i guess? Мдаа...няма нищо лошо в това...

Liz Phair - Why can't I?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

B-Day G Dragon!


Wow! Happy B-Day Baby Boo!
I wish you everything the best ... But the most i wish you some sleep xD You know,i know how you love to sleep .. so ... sleep! :D
I'm not kidding!
Love you,Kwon Ji Yong! a.k.a GD,Baby Boo! (hug):*(h)

And about GD's Heartbreaker MV and album .... HAVE NO WORDS! The best! The best!
Wowww... when i saw the video i was 0_O .... THE GREAT VIDEO 4EVER!

G Dragon - Heartbreaker


At last i want to tell that i'm totally in love with the video and the album! (h)
Not to mention GD xD

Monday, August 17, 2009


Всеки си има своите мрачни и тъмни тайни,но признава ли че те съществуват в действителност? Иска ли останалите да разберат за тях? Или иска да ги крие,колкото се може по-дълго? А може би пък не му пука дали някой ще ги разкрие или не!? А може и да му пука,но да се преструва? Или пък да се прави,че няма нищо?

Да,има прекалено много хора по света и прекалено много възможности и неизвестни... Ние спре просто част от една огромна музайка,за която всички подозираме,че я има... но никой не го казва на глас! Никой не си прави труда да го огласи...

И тъй като сме прекалено много личностите по света, има и още толкова въпроси.. На които всеки, някога, се е опитвал да си отговори. Едва ли,на някого му е пробляснала върховна мисъл или идея докато се е чудел,но това не пречи да си се чудим.

В същност това е умствено упражнение. Нещо като задачите по математика... Колкото и да се опитваш да решиш "задачата",толкова повече се объркваш! /Хайде някой да посмее да ме обори тук! :D:D/. Мда,точно така си е. Ако успеем да решим задачата ще се почувстваме по-добре,може би дори...ще се зарадваме...ще станем по-самоуверени. Но точно тук идва уловката.При всяка решена задача идва по-трудна и по-заплетена.
И все пак... всеси обича главоблъсканиците! xD

Но да се върнем към тайните...в същност .. тук идва наред едно от най-старите клишета на света "нито една тайна не може да се крие вечно"

Кхм,честно казано...нямам си и на идея защо ме сполитат тези мисли.. xD
Но пък . ... .. нали трябва да се занимавам с нещо..соу
Дам,вярвам че не може да остане скрита никоя тайна... но това не пречи ние да се опитваме да ги крием,нали? :D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

G Dragon - Gossip Man

G Dragon - Gossip Man

Emergency emergency emergency emergency

hey man~ what is todays gossip
I cant be quiet for even a day~
Why~ Why me~
everybody attention please
i am gossip man

ladies and gentlemen ho!
they call me gossip man, you know
You know, everyone knows
Actually, its not

Today at a cafe, to a girl
She said she got hit in the face with water
Yesterday at a street, to some guy
Said she kicked him with her feet

Who, me?
no, lie
My rumor is asexual
The many eyes are too scary

Now, this much is funny
In the past, I cried a lot
All the more, the joy (mouths) swelled even more
The thoughts longer, the words lessened
The world cried at my life

because youre cool
yes im cool cool
I also enjoy it
Yeah, could be fun

yeah~ In this boring world, if one of me makes it more joyful
say Superman, Batman, like XO gossip man

hey man~ whats todays gossip now
I cant be quiet for even a day why~
why me.
At school, at the office, at work, even at home
VCD radio MP3 hot news magazine too
Im waiting for something
In a boring life
Now, the story prepared for today is coming.

Today, the reporters pen will catch fire
Do you see the search engine ranking
Many netizens fingers are getting tired.
The situation is more serious.
Our world is a hot pot.
If you blink your eye, it should cool down.
you hand, do your thang
Conduct zero, do my thang

because youre cool
yes im cool cool
I also enjoy it
Yeah, could be fun

yeah~ In this world where its hard to live, if one of me comforts you
say Superman, Batman, like XO gossip man

hey man~ what is todays gossip
I cant be quiet for even a day~
Why~ Why me~
everybody attention please
i am gossip man

Why do you have so many words
What exactly are you so curious about
Your own world
Unnecessary controversy
Dont be concerned and get up. go on, let him go~~

hey man~ what is todays gossip (what is it)
I cant be quiet for even a day~ (even a day)
Why me.(why me)
everybody attention please
i am gossip man

alright, im done yo
whats my name?
say gossip man
you know what it is

everybody attention please
i am gossip man


''К'во пък толкоз страшно нещо казах
Просто бях в джаза,а ти ме отряза
Лошо ме наказа,взе че ми отказа
Просто бях в дзажа,а ти ме отряза''

Дам,слушам Слави - Джаза (music)
Извъобще има ли човек,който да не харесва неговата музика?
А ако има,значи тези хора ... не разбират от музика :D
А и текстовете са много яки ;]
Соу,не ме е срам да си кажа,че обичам Слави (sun)(sun)(sun)

Общо взето,тези дни много жестоко откачам xD Всичко ми е едно такова весело.. или по-точно, сега ми е весело и затова и пиша този пост xD
U know,поняога ме удря на такива постове ... но пък в това има ли лошо?
Едва ли xDxDxD

Трябва да си кажа и че сe връщам към старата си мания 'Blood Ties'
Сега,ако си говорим честно...всеки който е гледал този сериал,знае за какво говоря :D
Да не говорим и за актьорите...уоу...Кайл Шмит (Kyle Schmid)(h)
Ммм,там-дам-дири-рам-дам-бам :D:D
Както казах,всичко ми е едно такова розово...Включително и лакът :D
Дам,връщам се и към цветните неща :D /Не че някога съм ги зарязвала/
Обичам да ми е цветно (sun)
При което се сещам

Нели-Цветовете (music)

Еее,мисля че вече надрънках достатъчно глупости за днес xD Затова ще спирам :D:D:D

Чао! (sun)

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Everybody attention please...He's the gossip man!

G-Dragon - Gossip Man (feat.Kim GunMo)

Love,love,love this song
You better hear it ;]

Friday, August 14, 2009


Wow,that's it!
I won't fight anymore!
I don't want more problems and that's it!
I tried to be a good friend!
I truly tried!
And that,that you don't appreciate it... is not my problem anymore!
So dear, my friend, if you don't get it...i'll tell it one more time...
I tried to be next to you but you pushed me back and i don't know why!
But it's ok!
I won't do anything else ...
I'll be here for you
But don't expect that i'll throw myself under some car! I won't do that ;]
And in the end i want to write some more words to you
If you read that and know that i'm talking about,to and for you you'll know and that you truly hurt me with your actions .... I'm sorry
Love ya,yes.... But that's not enough ;]

Vanilla Ninja - Don't you realize, Why, Silence
Big Bang - Always, Remember, Haru Haru
DBSK - Dead End, Stand by you, I'll be there

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

DBSK - Love in the Ice

DBSK - Love in the Ice

Your small, cold hands and trembling lips
Able to carry on as if nothing has happened

Are you afraid of remembering someone?
Struggling to swallow the words bubbling up to your lips

Your back view resembles falling white snow
Melting bit by bit

Just like the star that doesn’t leave the dark night sky
We’ll carry this dream forever together with love and trust
If I were that person
Once again
I’d hug your hardened heart tightly in my arms forever

Against the wall of reality
Even the coldest of hearts
At the end of the flowing tears

The fuzzy stream of light
Shines brightly in the darkness
Passing through that time

Able to feel each other’s body heat
In the heart that stops breathing

Everyone has scars and heavy sighs
I’m trying to find that space in time when I can draw you into my arms

I can’t believe how just whispering to you make me so nervous
Till we can be together in my world

Alone in the end of time, my heart
Don’t be afraid because you were left alone
Till the end of time I’ll let you know my love
I’ll protect you, you know
Because I love you, I’ll let you know my love

Just like the star that doesn’t leave the dark sky
We’ll carry this dream forever together with love and trust
If I were that person
Once again
I’d hug your hardened heart tightly in my arms forever

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TaeGoon - Call Me ft. JaeJoong

TaeGoon - Call Me ft. JaeJoong

The figure of your back I see there
Thought why I'm not you
Why does my heart beat fast, why get I crazy

Our eyes met
While seeing me, a bright smile was forming
My body burns again, I get crazy
While looking into my eyes, you're slowly coming near
You're greating me
When you touch while feeling my body with the eyes
You're asking me for my phone number

Whenever, call me call me
If you too know my heart, call me
Whenever, call me call me
Your eyes are wanting me, call me
Now me, call me call me
Sweet lips, your fragrance is calling me again
Call me call me now want me
So, you will never stop

How much time was this already
Not knowing it too, I just look at the telephone
This is all because if you, why don't you know?

Our eyes met
While seeing me, a bright smile was forming
My body burns again, I get crazy
While looking into my eyes, you're slowly coming near
You're greating me
When you touch while feeling my body with the eyes
You're asking me for my phone number

Whenever, call me call me
If you too know my heart, call me
Whenever, call me call me
Your eyes are wanting me, call me
Now me, call me call me
Sweet lips, your fragrance is calling me again
Call me call me now want me
So, you will never stop

The heart, that flutters at the ringing sound of the phone,
Is informing about our beginning
What will I say, my trembling voice
Is the beginning now?

Whenever, call me call me
If you too know my heart, call me
Whenever, call me call me
Your eyes are wanting me, call me
Now me, call me call me
Sweet lips, your fragrance is calling me again
Call me call me now want me
So, you will never stop

Клипче - цък-мък

Убийствена е частта на JaeJoong! Особено частта с пистолета :X Направо си нямам думи! Много го обичам,ей! (sun)
Ам,относно това,защо участва в клипа на друг изпълнител.
Ясно е че е много секси!
Ясно е и че има доста силно въздействие :D
А и стана ясно че е много добър приятела на Taegoon

Saturday, August 1, 2009




"One of Asia’s biggest group Dong Bang Shin Ki, has 3 of its members in a possible lawsuit against their own company SM Entertainment.

Dong Bang Shin Ki members Xiah JunSu, Micky YooChun and Hero JaeJoong had gone to Seoul Central District Court to hand in an application for provisional disposition to terminate all effects of their exclusive belonging rights contract with SM on 31st July.

Latest updates on top:

Follow up #4:

After they released their official stand about the contract exclusive right clause retractile application, SM Entertainment’s representative added about rumours to the band’s disbandment, “On SM’s side, we still have much love for Dong Bang Shin Ki. We do not want them to disband. Let’s resolve this peacefully seeing the long time we have worked together since their debut till now.”

Follow up #3:

SM Entertainment has released their official stand on the case.

They said on 1st August morning, “It is true that Xiah, Hero and Micky made the application for provisional disposition to terminate the exclusive rights effects from their contract on 31st July at the district court. With that the company is very taken back by the action, we are trying to get confirm all the truth from them currently. “

They continued, “But as a representative group to the country and to Asia, our stand is that activities for Dong Bang Shin Ki have to continue even with this disposition application. And about the problems arising from the discussion to do a cosmetic enterprise, we plan to talk over them and sort out the problems as soon as possible.”

It has been know that members YunHo and ChangMin has decided not to take part in this lawsuit. Both of them are currently preparing for their drama debut this September and year-end.

Follow up #2:

One of the Korean new media No Cut News has known through phone call from SM that SM said, “We are aware that some of the (DBSK) members have some disagreements with the company, but we do not know that they have sparked a lawsuit with the company. The director board of the company is currently having an urgent meeting in an undisclosed place in Seoul to discuss about their countermeasures.

They also added, “We will have our official stand asap”.

Follow up #1:

What will happen to the 3 members’ activities scheduled for Dong Bang Shin Ki? there is the upcoming SMTown Live 09 on 16th August. It seems that the members may not be appearing for the concert with their lawsuit with the company.

Especially with all the rumors lately about ‘disbanding of Dong Bang Shin Ki’. To add on, one of the 3 members’ parents have also established their won entertainment company in China.

Fans are also very taken back by this incident. Many have voiced their disbeliefs on various discussion forums.

Original article:

It has been known that their reasons for doing so is that the contract with SM Entertainment has many irrelevant conditions attached. It is also known that the content to the contract the 3 members cannot agree to includes having them belonging exclusively to SM Entertainment for 13 years and also unhappiness over profit allocation.

The lawyer responsible for this case said, “We are currently preparing for a lawsuit against SM for this contract. (About the reasons to why) We cannot reveal the details now.”

There has also been saying that the 3 members have differing views to SM on their upcoming ‘Dong Bang Shin Ki cosmetic enterprise expansion’.

Currently out of the 3 members, JunSu is already doing a cosmetic business with his parents. It is said that there were plans for the company to operate a cosmetic business, with sheep placenta as the main ingredient, using the group’s name as the brand name in Seoul GangNam and GyeongGiDo IlSan. It is said that there were also plans for the business to be launched in China bringing in hundreds millions KRW in profit.

But it has been said that the 2 sides are having some differing views and also complications arose through their discussion on how the product and brand will go.

Just to clarify:

  • The 3 members are applying to retract the the exclusive rights effects from their contract with SM
  • There are also other problems like differing views and problems in developing their cosmetic enterprise
  • Disbanding is a speculation on the Korean news side because the 3 members will not be able to continue on their activities since they are on the case"

I believe that JaeJoong,Junsu and YooChun have their reasons
Don't want end
I know that nobody wants that...but...i just have to say it!
Stay together ;(


[02:18:00] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: (hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug) [02:18:02] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: (sun)
[02:18:17] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: (wasntme)
[02:18:28] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: znaam 4e mn me obi4a6 (nod)(chuckle)
[02:18:30] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: коментчету ти (h)
[02:18:35] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: :)
[02:18:44] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: и аз знам,че ти знаеш,че аз знам,че те обичам
[02:18:45] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: :D:D
[02:18:49] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: (rofl)
[02:18:54] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: (rofl)
[02:18:55] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: tva mi trqq vreme da go osmislq
[02:18:55] `~ MidnighT^SuN ~ wtf?! каза: :D
[02:18:59] - ..! ~> ♥ Say! B.I.G. to the BANG ♥ <~ !...- каза: (rofl)

Ахахах... Представяте ли сии? :D:D:D
Това си бешеее.. :D:D:D
Но нищо, на дитето сиг ще му потребвят няколко минутки, за да осмисли вс...сега чакам да видя какво ще ми отговори :D:D След това ... веднага ще има копи-пейст,донт уори :D:D Май нищо няма да й хрумне...соуу...ще си водя монолог :D Мнях,нз защо но ми е много весело...Най-вероятно заради полезната доза...



Позна още от 1 път! xD

Дам...цяла вечер им гледам забавни скечове.. игри .. интервюта и тем подобни
Заболяха ме скулите от смях xD Няма нищо лошо в това! Не си мислете глупости! :D
Ам..просто... Jae всеки път си ми става още по-мил и сладък, че не е истина..
А Junsu... той просто .... винаги е виновен за всичко, ако разбира се, се влияете от мнението на Jae и Changmin xD
Имам чувството, че какъвто и въпрос да им се зададе ... те веднага са си наумили да отговорят:


Не че ги виня..той винаги ... толкова искрено реагира, че не е истина xD
Ох,сега съм запленена от една тяхна игра..иии...сигурно целият пост,ако продължа да пиша, ще бъде обсебен от тях..
Затова избирам... да сменя темата xD

Пък днес има Hause Party xD
Не ми се нравеше много... но брата не си е вкъщи,соу... мн е яко...нека по-честичко да има :D:D Подкрепям с две ръце! :D:D

Ам,май е време да спра "потока от мисли" и да оставя мисли и за следващият ми безсмислен пост xD
Но пък...този не е съвсем...безсмислен!
Има смисъл в него..и той е следният:

Марти не може да осмисля нещата достатъчно бързо! И тук е редно да вметна, че сиг. ще ме убие като прочете поста,но нищо... ще умаловажа вината си като кажа,че този факт /осмислянето,имам предвид/ го има само при два налични фактора:

а)някой /ха,сещай се пък/ е тук и тя не си мисли за нищо друго освен за него


б)вече е минало 12

Ааа...Само ще кажа
Че Тази Вечер
И Двата Фактора
Бяха Налице!

Соу...простено й е xD

А и другата причина да не ми е безсмислен поста са...DBSK!
Хехе...айде..лека вечер от мен
И приятни сънища :P